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CEPAS CUANTITATIVAS en lentículas estabilizadas, para entrega inmediata. Listado completo para todas sus necesidades.

En MICROKIT nos esforzamos por ofrecer todas las CEPAS CUANTITATIVAS que necesitan nuestros clientes, en lentículas estabilizadas y cuantitativas de alta precisión.

Consulte el listado actualizado de stock de nuestras CEPAS CUANTITATIVAS, este es sólo un ejemplo a fecha 18 de Octubre de 2024:

Blanco para despistaje en intercomparativos y QCs, LOTES COLORES VARIOS 1457 /// /// indefinido 16-11-17
Acidolácticas Salvajes MIX2: Bifidobacterium bifidum,  Lactobacilus rhamnosus, L. helveticus  LOTE COLOR VIOLETA  MRS/CROMOKIT MRS, PASE 1 440 (1,6 ± 0,3) x 107 en MRS   (4,56 ± 4,24) x 106 en MRS cromogénico 13,11% en MRS  58,62 % en MRS cromogénico 30-03-25 30-03-23
Aerobios heterotrofos MIX ISO 11133 con Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, St.aureus, E.coli y Pseudomonas aeruginosa, LOTE COLOR VIOLETA, PCA/YEA, PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO ES 400 (6,42 ± 2,58) x 107 en PCA    (7,00 ± 1,30)x107 en YEA 27,78% en PCA  11,92% en YEA 20-04-25 20-04-23
Aerococcus viridans  coco ambiental, Cat -, Ox -, interferente de Enterococos, LOTE COLOR AMARILLO, TSA/SB, PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO ES 400 (5,48 ± 4,28) x 106 en TSA (4,22 ± 3,88) x106 en SB 46,73  % en TSA 61,56 % en SB 20-04-25 20-04-23
Aspergillus niger brasiliensis  Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad. CHALLENGE TEST, moho inocuo amarillo y negro) LOTE COLOR PARDO SDA/RB/RYM PASE 3 440 (1,26 ± 0,44) x 106 en SDA (1,24 ± 0,26) x106 en RB (1,36 ±0,64) x 10E6 en RYM 19,18% en SDA   14,96%   en RB   30,35% en RYM 16-05-26 16-05-24
Bacillus cereus, MKTN 10320, COLOR VERDE PASE 3, Mossel/XBC 440 (4,16 ± 1,54) x 104 en Mossel                           (2,70 ± 1,80) x 104 en XBC 21,85% en Mossel   35,45% en XBC 16-05-26 16-05-24
Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad)  PASE 3, COLOR VIOLETA TSA/PCA. Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios 440 (4,64 ± 1,66) x 102 en TSA   (4,42 ± 3,32) x 102 en PCA 21,01% en TSA   52,95% en PCA 13-06-25 13-06-23
Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad)  PASE 3, COLOR VIOLETA TSA/PCA. Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios 0 [ALTA] 31-10-26 31-10-24
Burkholderia cepacia (Challenge Test ISO 11930, Pharmacopea 2019) Riesgo Gr.2 LOTE COLOR AMARILLO PASE 3, Equivale a NCTC 10473, TSA/BCPT crom/BCSA 440 (4,46 ± 2,36) x 108 en TSA   (6,24 ± 3,14) x 108 en BCPT-crom   (5,92 ± 2,18) x 107 en BCSA 34,11% en TSA     36,83% en BCPT-Crom  29,58% en BCSA 23-07-26 23-07-24
Burkholderia cepacia  Riesgo Gr.2 LOTE COLOR VINO TINTO PASE 3, TSA/BCPT. Olor característico, desagradable. 440 (2,00 ± 1,70) x 107 en TSA  (1,64 ± 0,44) x 107 en BCPT 46,90% en TSA    19,89 % en BCPT 16-05-26 16-05-24
Campylobacter jejuni 0 XI/2026 XI/2024
Candida albicans Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos y recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad. Challenge Test ISO 11930) Riesgo Gr.2 PASE 3, LOTE COLOR AMARILLO PDA/Biggy. Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios y de hongos 440 (4,86 ± 1,66) x 107 en PDA  (3,04 ± 3,16) x 107 en Biggy 22,86 % en PDA   64,82% en Biggy 30-03-25 30-03-23
Candida albicans Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos y recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad. Challenge Test ISO 11930) Riesgo Gr.2 PASE 3, LOTE COLOR AMARILLO PDA/Biggy. Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios y de hongos 0 XI/2026 XI/2024
Chryseobacterium indologenes (Flavobacterium aureum) AEROBIO SALVAJE, de aguas ultrapurificadas de Lab.farmacéutico Riesgo Gr.2,  LOTE COLOR NARANJA,  PASE 1,  TSA-Colonias naranjas/R2A colonias crema 440 (3,10 ± 0,70) x 105 en TSA   (5,66 ± 1,76) x 105 en R2A 16,45% en TSA     18,92% en R2A 16-05-26 16-05-24
Citrobacter freundii MKTA 43864 (enterobacteria + y coliforme +, suele ser indol +) Fucsia en CCA, PASE 3, LOTE COLOR SANDIA TSA/CCA 440 (1,18 ± 0,18) x 109 en TSA      (5,9 ± 4,10) x 108 en CCA 9,88% en TSA   42,03% en CCA 30-03-25 30-03-23
Citrobacter freundii MKTA 43864 (enterobacteria + y coliforme +, suele ser indol +) Fucsia en CCA, PASE 3, LOTE COLOR SANDIA TSA/CCA 0 XI-26 XI/24
Clostridium bifermentans (Paraclostridium) ISO 11133-2  (Desde FTM enriquecido, desecado en anaerobiosis doble para mejor mantenimiento) LOTE COLOR CARAMELO, TSC/Schaedler Agar, PASE 2 desde colección TIPO ES 400 (2,66 ± 1,06) x 105 en TSC   (1,70 ± 1,80) x 105 en Schaedler 25,89% en TSC   55,80% en Schaedler 20-04-25 20-04-23
Clostridium bifermentans (Paraclostridium) ISO 11133-2  (Desde FTM enriquecido, desecado en anaerobiosis doble para mejor mantenimiento) LOTE COLOR CARAMELO, TSC/Schaedler Agar, PASE 2 desde colección TIPO ES 0 XI-26 XI/24
Clostridium perfringens ISO 11133-2  (Desde Cromokit-CP, desecado en anaerobiosis doble para mejor mantenimiento) LOTE COLOR SALMÓN TSC/Cromokit-CP Agar, PASE 3 440 (6,82 ± 2,02) x 104  en TSC (2,06 ± 1,24) x 104  en Cromokit-CP 15,53 % en TSC   41,37% enCromokit-CP 14-09-25 14-09-23
Clostridium perfringens HEMOLÍTICO ISO 11133-2  (Desde FTM enriquecido, desecado en anaerobiosis doble para mejor mantenimiento) LOTE COLOR NEGRO, TSC/Cromokit-CP Agar, PASE 2 desde colección TIPO ES 440 (3,82 ± 2,08) x 104 en TSC  (5,48 ± 1,12) x 104 en Cromokit-CP 29,87% en TSC   12,18% en Cromokit-CP 05-10-25 05-10-23
Cutibacterium acnes ssp.acne (Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium) CHALLENGE TEST ISO 11930, Riesgo Gr.2, Bacilo Gram positivo, anaerobio, saprófito de la piel humana, generador del acné, estudios forenses, LOTE COLOR   PASE 1, Schaedler con 5% glicerol en anaerobiosis, 5-10 días 0 [ALTA] 31-10-26 31-10-24
Enterobacter aerogenes  (colonias rosa tenue en CCA) ISO 11133-2 LOTE COLOR  SANDÍA.  TSA/CCA. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO 440 (1,18 ± 0,18) x 108 en TSA    (1,02 ± 0,22) x 108 en CCA 8,30% en TSA     15,69% en CCA 05-10-25 05-10-23
Enterococcus faecalis ISO 11133-2  PASE 2,  LOTE COLOR NEGRO TSA/SB/BEA. Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios 440 (2,70 ± 2,50) x 105 en TSA   (1,76 ± 0,76) x 105 en SB   (1,48 ± 1,22) x 105 en BEA 49,41% en TSA  40,27% en SB  22,37% en BEA 30-03-25 30-03-23
Enterococcus faecalis ISO 11133-2  PASE 2,  LOTE COLOR NEGRO TSA/SB/BEA. Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios 0 31-10-26 31-10-24
Enterococcus faecium ISO 11133-2   PASE 2, LOTE COLOR LILA-GRIS TSA/SB/BEA 440 (3,32 ± 1,48) x 103 en TSA   (2,8 ± 2,3) x 102 en SB          (1,54 ± 0,54) x 103 en BEA 25,23% en TSA   60,02% en SB    20,78% en BEA 13-06-25 13-06-23
Escherichia coli 25922  LOTE COLOR AZUL PASE 2, TSA/MacConkey Agar, Equivale a NCTC 12241. Cepa lábil, por eso solo tiene 1 año de caducidad. 380 (4,92 ± 1,42) x 105 en TSA   (1,80 ± 1,70) x 105 en McConkey Agar 16,98% en TSA       50,06% en McC 18-01-25 18-01-24
Escherichia coli 25922  LOTE COLOR ROJO, PASE 2,        TSA/CCA-MugPlus/MacConkey Agar, Equivale a NCTC 12241. Cepa lábil, por eso solo tiene 1 año de caducidad. 440 (2,48 ± 1,38) x 107 en TSA  (4,40 ± 2,90) x 106 en CCA   (3,42 ± 3,98) x 106 en Mac Conkey Agar 37,69% en TSA      41,39% en CCA     62,37% en McConkey 23-07-25
Escherichia coli 25922 DADA LA LABILIDAD DE ESTA CEPA 25922, INDICAMOS 1 AÑO                                                               DE USO PREFERENTE, EN LUGAR DE DOS
Escherichia Coli Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos en medicamentos no estériles; y Challenge Test ISO 11930) Cepa MUG-, XGal +, XGlu+. Riesgo Gr.2 LOTE COLOR GRIS-BEIGE TSA/CCA  PASE 3. No válida para los medios P/A 440 (3,42 ± 1,12) x 107 en TSA  (2,28 ± 1,72) x 106 en CCA 16,48% en TSA   40,14 % en CCA 05-10-25 05-10-23
Escherichia Coli Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos en medicamentos no estériles; y Challenge Test ISO 11930) Cepa MUG-, XGal +, XGlu+. Riesgo Gr.2 LOTE COLOR VIOLETA, TSA/MacConkey  PASE 3. No válida para los medios P/A 440 (1,72 ± 0,32) x 107 en TSA   (4,80 ± 3,60) x 106 en McC 13,46% en TSA   45,93% en McC 18-01-26 18-01-24
Escherichia coli LOTE COLOR FUCSIA, PASE 2, TSA/CCA  Colonias violeta oscuro.  La cepa más recomendable de E.coli según nuestros intercomparativos SEILALIMENTOS. Citrato+ atípica. Funciona muy bien también en el recuento de aerobios. 440 (2,32 ± 2,78) X 107  en TSA    (1,98 ± 1,02) x 107 en CCA 62,55% en TSA   32,17% en CCA 13-06-25 13-06-23
Escherichia coli ISO 11133-2, esta cepa crece con colonias azules en CCA pero a veces alguna colonia crece de color violeta: es XGlu/MUG variable. Según ISO es la misma ref USA de la cepa Pharmacopea WDCM00196. PASE 2, LOTE COLOR NARANJA TSA/CCA. No recomendable para los medios P/A 440 ,36 ± 0,44) x 104 en TSA (9,1 ± 4,0) x 103 en CCA 23,98% en TSA   26,25% en CCA 13-06-25 13-06-23
Escherichia coli ISO 11133-2, esta cepa crece con colonias azules en CCA pero a veces alguna colonia crece de color violeta: es XGlu/MUG variable. Según ISO es la misma ref USA de la cepa Pharmacopea WDCM00196. PASE 2, LOTE COLOR NARANJA TSA/CCA. No recomendable para los medios P/A 0 [ALTA] 31-10-26 31-10-24
Escherichia coli O157:H7 no-toxigénico. PASE 2 desde colección TIPO ES, LOTE COLOR NARANJA TSA/CCA MugPlus (colonias rojas pero indol +) 400 (2,38 ± 0,42) x 108 en TSA   (6,12 ± 3,52) x 107 en CCA 10,08 % en TSA    45,72% en CCA 20-04-25 20-04-23
Klebsiella oxytoca  (enterobacteria + y coliforme +, es Indol +) LOTE COLOR ROSA, PASE 3, TSA/CCA 420 (7,68 ± 2,56) x 105 en TSA (2,78 ± 2,52) x 105 en CCA 20,74% en TSA   52,94% en CCA 18-01-26 18-01-24
Klebsiella pneumoniae (=K.aerogenes, = K.variicola) ISO 11133-2 LOTE COLOR  FUCSIA. TSA/CCA. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO. 440 (2,18 ± 0,72) x 107  en TSA   (1,68 ± 0,72) x 107 en CCA 21,20% en TSA   27,51% en CCA 05-10-25 05-10-23
Lactobacillus paracasei probiótico vaginal salvaje LOTE COLOR AZUL ÍNDIGO PASE 2, MRS/CROMOKIT-Lactobacillus Agar. 440 (5,36 ± 4,26) x 105 en Cromokit Lactobacillus Agar (6,82 ± 2,32) x 106 en TSA 59,39% en CLA 19,70% en TSA 09-03-25 09-03-23
Lactobacillus paracasei probiótico vaginal salvaje LOTE COLOR AZUL ÍNDIGO PASE 2, MRS/CROMOKIT-Lactobacillus Agar. 0 XI/26 XI/24
Listeria monocytogenes  SEROVAR 4B ISO 11133-2 PASE 3 LOTE COLOR VERDE LIMA TSA/O&A 440 (1,52 ± 0,42) x 108 en TSA     (1,30 ± 1,0) x 108 en O&A 20,97 % en TSA   31,90% en O&A 18-01-26 18-01-24
Listeria monocytogenes  SEROVAR 1/2a ISO 11133-2 PASE 2 desde colección TIPO ES, LOTE COLOR ESMERALDA,  TSA/O&A 400 (1,72 ± 2,10) x 106 en TSA  (1,78 ± 1,22) x 105 en O&A 47,86% en TSA   41,04% en O&A 20-04-25 20-04-23
Listeria innocua MKTN11288Z  LOTE COLOR VERDE AZULADO PASE 1, TSA/O&A (Cromocytogenes Ottaviani & Agosti). Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios 440 (1,42 ± 0,42) x 105 en TSA    (1,46 ± 0,54) x 105 en O&A 20,60% en TSA   23,17% en O&A 05-10-25 05-10-23
Listeria ivanovii   (falso + de L.monocytogenes en Agar Ottaviani & Agosti) PASE 3, LOTE COLOR VERDE MENTA TSA/O&A 440 (8,62 ± 0,98) x 107 en TSA (4,26 ± 3,84) x 107 en O&A 8,69% en TSA    55,24% en O&A 30-03-25 30-03-23
Listeria ivanovii   (falso + de L.monocytogenes en Agar Ottaviani & Agosti) PASE 3, LOTE COLOR VERDE MENTA TSA/O&A 0 XI/26 XI/24
Pluralibacter gergoviae Enterobacteria patógena en cosméticos Salvaje: procedente de champú con exceso de aerobios de la 1/2  N de España. LOTE COLOR PARDO.  PASE 1,  MUGPLUS/TSA. Color púrpura en MugPlus, colonias mucosas en TSA 390 (3,50 ± 1,80) X 107 en TSA  (4,40 ± 2,00) x 107 en MugPlus 12,65% en TSA     25,59 % en MugPlus 18-01-26 18-01-24
Proteus mirabilis ISO 11133-2  LOTE COLOR GRIS-NEGRUZCO. TSA/ABC CROMOSALM. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO. Colonias muy mucosas. 440 (1,52 ± 0,42) x 108 en TSA     (1,20 ± 0,30) x 108 en ABC 20,97% en TSA     17,48% en ABC 05-10-25 05-10-23
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ISO 11133-2 SUSTITUTO IDEAL DE LA lábil 26. Cepa longeva, lote con lentículas planas. LOTE COLOR LIMA TSA/Cetrimida Pase 2.  Excelente también para usar en el recuento de aerobios. Pioverdina incluso desde TSA 440 (1,34 ± 0,46) x 108 en TSA   (1,22 ± 0,78) x 108 en Cet 21,42% en TSA  41,28% en Cet 13-06-25 13-06-23
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9027 Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos y recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad). CHALLENGE TEST, LOTE COLOR VERDE ESMERALDA TSA/Cetrimida. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO NCTC 12924. Pioverdina en CETRIMIDA. Olor típico a trapo sucio .Cepa lábil, por eso solo tiene 1 año de caducidad. 400 (1,58 ±0,58) x 107 en TSA  (1,84 ± 0,64) x 107 en Cetr 28,13% en TSA  20,51% en Cetr 18-01-25 18-01-24
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9027 Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos y recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad). CHALLENGE TEST, LOTE COLOR VERDE ESMERALDA TSA/Cetrimida. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO NCTC 12924. Pioverdina en CETRIMIDA. Olor típico a trapo sucio .Cepa lábil, por eso solo tiene 1 año de caducidad. 0 31-10-25
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9027 Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos y recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad) CHALLENGE TEST DADA LA LABILIDAD DE ESTA CEPA 9027, INDICAMOS 1 AÑO                                                               DE USO PREFERENTE, EN LUGAR DE DOS
Pseudomonas fluorescens. LOTE COLOR LIMA, TSA/KING B (crece mal en Cetrimida). PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO ES. 400 (1,52 ± 0,22) x 108 en TSA   (1,88 ± 1,42) x 107 en King B 9,67% en TSA    44,55% en King B 20-04-25 20-04-23
Pseudomonas putida CHALLENGE TEST ISO 11930. Riesgo Gr.2 Fluorescencia tenue. LOTE COLOR AMARILLO, PASE 2, TSA, Cetrimida. 400 (1,62 ± 1,08) x 108 en TSA   (5,04 ± 3,36) x 106 en CET 41,21% en TSA         42,90% en CET 09-07-26 09-07-24
Rhodotorula mucilaginosa (levadura salvaje pigmentada de rojo, procede de ducha de agua de MadridI) LOTE COLOR NARANJA SDA/RB PASE 3. Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios 440 (1,32 ± 0,32) x 107 en SDA  (1,40 ± 0,40) x 107 en RB 13,03% en SDA   16,90 % en RB 18-01-26 18-01-24
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Pharmacopea ensayos de antibióticos, ISO 11133-2). LOTE COLOR MARRÓN Cepa lenta (6 días a 25ºC en Sabouraud SDA sin Caf, crece mejor en PDA), PASE 2,  SDA/PDA 440 (3,44 ± 1,66) x 106 en SDA   (2,86 ± 1,84) x 106 en PDA 28,10% en SDA   43,14% en PDA 13-06-25 13-06-23
Salmonella enterica ssp. abony Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos en medicamentos no estériles) No suele comportarse como coliforme LOTE COLOR FRAMBUESA TSA/Cromosalm (DCA cromogénico, ABC ISO 6579), PASE 3 440 (3,14 ± 1,94)x106 en TSA  (2,18 ± 2,22) x 105 en ABC 35,21% en TSA    56,21% en ABC 14-09-25 14-09-23
Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica (S.enteritidis) No suele comportarse como coliforme LOTE COLOR VERDE LIMA TSA/Cromosalm (DCA Cromogénico, ABC ISO 6579), PASE 3 440 (7,12 ± 1,62) x 107 en TSA   (3,02 ± 1,78) x 106 en ABC 11,70% en TSA    35,99% en ABC 14-09-25 14-09-23
Salmonella enterica typhimurium  Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos en medicamentos no estériles) Suele comportarse como coliforme clásico (lactosa positivos) PASE 3, LOTE COLOR CORAL, TSA/XLD 440 (1,36 ± 0,54) x 105 en TSA  (1,22 ± 0,28) x 105 en XLD 23,53% en TSA   16,72% en XLD 30-03-25 30-03-23
Salmonella enterica typhimurium  Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos en medicamentos no estériles) Suele comportarse como coliforme clásico (lactosa positivos) PASE 3, LOTE COLOR CORAL, TSA/XLD 0 31-10-26 31-10-24
Serratia marcescens, crece mejor 48-72h a 25ºC, LOTE COLOR ROJO CORAL TSA/CCA PASE 3 440 (3,46 ± 1,24) x 106 en TSA   (2,34 ± 0,54) x 106 en CCA 26,53 % en TSA    15,19 % en CCA 09-03-25 09-03-23
Shigella flexneri SALVAJE LOTE COLOR VERDE PISTACHO,  TSA/CCA PASE 3 420 (1,50 ± 0,30) x 107 en TSA  (4,58 ± 1,62) x 106 en MugPlus 12,65% en TSA  21,01% en MugPlus 18-01-26 18-01-24
Staphylococcus aureus. ISO 11133-2 LOTE COLOR VERDE ESMERALDA TSA/BP.  PASE 1 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO E. Colonias violetas y azul oscuro en BPX19 Agar 440 (1,44 ± 0,76) x 107 en TSA   (5,50 ± 2,20) x 106 en BP 28,33% en TSA    24,53% en BP 09-03-25 09-03-23
Staphylococcus aureus. ISO 11133-2 LOTE COLOR VERDE ESMERALDA TSA/BP.  PASE 1 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO E. Colonias violetas y azul oscuro en BPX19 Agar 0 31-10-26 31-10-24
Staphylococcus aureus. LOTE COLOR VERDE OLIVA, TSA/BP  PASE 1 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO. Crece muy escaso en Mannitol, mucho mejor en BP y muy bien en TSA. Colonias lilas y gris-azuladas en BPX19 Agar 440 (5,48 ± 2,02) x 108 en TSA   (2,58 ± 2,22) x108 en BP 20,23% en TSA    54,67% en BP 13-06-25 13-06-23
Staphylococcus aureus  Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos y recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad. Challenge Test). LOTE COLOR  GRIS. TSA/BP. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO ES.  Puede contener acompañantes: Colonias verdes (interferentes) y violetas en BPX19 Agar. 440 (5,74 ± 2,74) x 103 en TSA   (6,38 ± 1,92) x 103 en BP 29,47% en TSA   23,15% en BP 14-09-25 14-09-23
Staphylococcus aureus  Pharmacopea (Test de promoción de medios para microorganismos específicos y recuentos en medicamentos no estériles. Test de esterilidad. Challenge Test). Riesgo Gr.2. LOTE COLOR VIOLETA, TSA/BP/BPX. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO ES.  Puede contener acompañantes: Colonias verdes (interferentes) y violetas en BPX19 Agar. 400 (3,10 ± 1,60) x 108 en TSA   (2,80 ± 1,40) x 108 en BP    (4,32 ± 3,08) x 106 en BPX19 27,45% en TSA    26,24% en BP    48,14% en BPX19 09-07-26 09-07-24
Staphylococcus epidermidis LOTE COLOR MARRÓN. TSA/BP. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO ES. Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios 440 (3,26 ± 1,26) x 103 en TSA   (1,84 ± 0,74) x 103 en B P 26,50% en TSA    25,16% en BP 18-01-26 18-01-24
Staphylococcus saprophyticus   ISO 11133-2 LOTE COLOR AZUL. TSA/BP. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO. Cepa coagulasa negativa, colonias color crema en TSA. Excelente para usar en el recuento de aerobios y como interferente de S.aureus 440 (3,30 ± 0,90) x 107 en TSA   (2,64 ± 0,76) x 107 en BP 18,78 % en TSA         23,05  % en BP 05-10-25 05-10-23
Yersinia enterocolitica  biotipo 1 serotipo 0:8, ISO 11133-2 LOTE COLOR FUCSIA, TSA/CCA MugPlus. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO ES. 400 (4,60 ± 0,90) x 108 en TSA  (3,44 ± 1,54) x 108 en CCA 13,54 % en TSA  26,62 % en CCA 20-04-25 20-04-23
Yersinia enterocolitica  biotipo 1 serotipo 0:8, ISO 11133-2 LOTE COLOR FUCSIA, TSA/CCA MugPlus. PASE 2 DESDE COLECCIÓN TIPO ES. 0 XI/26 XI/24
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii levadura Riesgo Gr.2. CHALLENGE TEST ISO 11930, alterativo de alimentos con elevada presión osmótica (azúcar, sal). LOTE COLOR   PASE 1, SDA, MEA 0 [ALTA] 31-10-26 31-10-24

Nuestras CEPAS CUANTITATIVAS son las favoritas en multitud de laboratorios acreditados ISO 17025, tanto privados como de la administración pública.

Por su longevidad (el doble de lo habitual).

Por su precisión (CV en general < 25%).

Por estar contrastadas contra al menos dos medios de cultivo: TSA/SDA y el más habitual de los selectivos; a veces contra tres medios (además el cromogénico más típico).

Por su trazabilidad en el certificado a la colección TIPO de origen.

Por su nomenclatura WDCM (ISO 11133-2) y su conversión a las colecciones TIPO más habituales.

Confíe en nuestras CEPAS CUANTITATIVAS como lo han hecho ya cientos de laboratorios de España y otros países de la UE e Iberoamérica.

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Food Microbiology

Food Microbiology: obtain faster and more reliable results in the most economical way possible. Also for food facility microbiology.

Food Microbiology: At MICROKIT we have been designing food microbiology products for 34 years to help factories obtain faster and more reliable results in the most economical way possible. We are also specialists in food facility microbiology, with kits that factories can use even if they do not have a self-control laboratory.,%20WITH%20THEIR%20DIFFERENTIAL%20ADVANTAGES.pdf


A) Food control products

Detect Salmonella and Listeria in food reliably, in just 36 hours and without the need for special equipment:

All the classic culture media you need for food microbiology:

All the chromogenic culture media you need for food microbiology:

The best isolement agar to detect Salmonella in food:

…after using the best enrichment broth:

The best medium to detect Listeria in food:

The best medium of detecting and enumerating E. coli and other coliforms in foods:

Tired of food artifacts in PCA and not being able to distinguish colonies from the medium?

Enumerate yeasts and molds in just 18-36 h with Rapid Sabouraud RYM Agar

Eliminate the matrix effect (and its false negatives) due to natural (flavoring) and artificial food preservatives, thanks to the MICROKIT patented Buffered Peptone Neutralizing Water

Confirm suspicious colonies without spending expensive identification galleries:

The most convenient method of analysis for the food industry, dehydrated plates for both strike and pour plate methods:

B) Food facility control

Purify the air and surfaces of your factory (in the absence of people and food for 3 hours)

Validate the hygiene of your surfaces with the immediate response kit that does not require any equipment:

Use MICROKIT’s best-selling kit to comply with EU regulations on Listeria on surfaces, without the Aesculin false positives of other kits:

Control the count of Aerobes, Fungi, Enterobacteria, Coliforms, Salmonella… on surfaces with the most classic MICROKIT kit (dipslides): 

Verify that the waters that reach your factory have not suffered infiltration by wastewater or natural water, with MICROKIT P/A kits:

Are you not happy with any of the microbiological parameters you analyse? Contact us, we are sure you will be surprised by our answer. That is why we have been designing analysis media and kits for 34 years and coordinating intercomparative food microbiology services for 25 years.

Our innovation is yours. And so is our know-how:

If you want to order some MICROKIT product, please send your order to:

Water Microbiology

Water Microbiology

Water Microbiology: Consuming water, bottled water, bath water, natural waters… require large sample volumes (generally 100 or 250 mL) in the search for pathogens and their indicators.

The most widely used method for working with such samples is Membrane Filtration (MF). In this method, these volumes are filtered and the filter is applied to the culture medium plate, so that colonies grow if the microorganisms sought are present.

Another very universal method is the Most Probable Number (MPN), in which several tubes or wells of liquid culture medium are used to extrapolate the count of the microorganisms sought, according to the number of positive tubes or wells (which change color).

And the third most widely used method is the Presence/Absence (P/A) method in which the microorganisms are not enumerated and the search is made to see if they are present or not in the sample by changing or not the color of the water. Since in all cases, we are looking for 0 to declare the water as suitable or >1 to declare it as unsuitable, obtaining a count can therefore be considered redundant.

The only parameter for which only 1 ml of water sample is often analyzed is the aerobic count.

MICROKIT offers everything you need in water analysis, whatever method you use, and for all microbiological parameters. And using, as we use, the three methods, which is our favorite? We will see it throughout the text. Let’s look at the methods and their solutions one by one:


Total count in 1 mL of water sample (Water Microbiology)

Normally, 1 mL of water sample is added to a Petri dish, and after melting and cooling the solid medium to 45-47ºC, 15-25 mL of agar are added (sowing by mass inclusion).

The most commonly used media are YEA-Nutrient Agar (PCA-water) in water for human consumption (ISO 6222) and R2A in Pharmacopeial water.

Many laboratories use food microbiology variants such as PCA (although it is not suitable for the water oligotrophs such as YEA and R2A) or the general medium they have on hand, such as TSA.

Many laboratories use our chromogenic YEA (because the colonies grow much more clearly red in contrast to the cream medium). They even use it in the most convenient version that exists (DryPlates-TC Water), because it does not require melting and cooling media for the 1 mL of water to be sown in mass. And so the analysis time is reduced from 1 h to 10 seconds.

In cooling waters, whether natural or contaminated ones, dipslides such as our Desinfectest-TC can be used, since they provide an estimate of the aerobic load (10E3, 10E4, 10E5…) without having to make dilutions.

The rest of parameters usually requires samples of 100-250 mL:


MF Method for Water Microbiology

For Coliforms/E. coli, the CCA chromogenic medium is used, which we at MICROKIT christened MugPlus in 1995. This is a great advance over the previous official medium (Tergitol TTC), especially in acidic waters. The blue colonies are of E. coli and the pink ones of the other coliforms. The blue ones can be confirmed immediately with Kovacs indole (+) on the same plate in the MICROKIT medium and the pink ones with oxidase reagent (-) also on the same plate.

For faecal Enterococci, Slanetz-Bartley Agar (SB, red colonies) is used followed by Bile Esculin Azide Agar (BEA, white colonies with a black halo). At MICROKIT we have validated our Rapid-BEA so that the filter can be used directly on this medium, avoiding the previous step through SB, which allows us to give results in 18 hours instead of the usual 48 hours. And for those who prefer chromogenic media, our EPA medium has the same performance, with dark blue colonies.

For Clostridium perfringens and its spores, TSC Agar (black colonies) and Acid Phosphatase are used to confirm them (preferably in its fluorescent MUP version, because it is not carcinogenic). At MICROKIT we also offer the chromogenic medium (orange colonies unlike TSC, which do not revert after removing the plate from the anaerobic atmosphere). Despite being a parameter of maximum importance (the two previous ones indicate contamination by waste water, but this one indicates contamination by natural waters, often with protozoa such as Cryptosporidium), the intercomparative services show that the poor results (50% false negatives and a 1-3 log drop in the counts) are not due to the medium, but to the MF method, because it oxygenates the anaerobes in the water in a way that is lethal to them. At MIcrokit we have invented a magnificent solution with the same TSC medium that we will see later (Quanti-P/A).

For Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bottled water, bathing water, water for hospital consumption…), Cetrimide Agar CN is used (lobed colonies, often phosphorescent, yellow, green or blue). At MICROKIT we also have the chromogenic medium that gives results in just 18 hours instead of the 48 hours of the classic CN: alert in 18h by red colonies, confirmed with fluorescent halo in 48h. If no red colonies in 18h, no Pseudomonas aeruginosa are present.

For bacteriophages (somatic coliphages) must be used Scholten Agar and search for and look for growth plaques of the E. coli strain inoculated on the plate. It is a new parameter of the latest renewal of EU legislation 1/2023 that is an excellent indicator of traveller’s diarrhoea, micro-epidemics… At MICROKIT we also offer the other 5 media required by ISO 10705 for these and the other bacteriophages mentioned therein.

Water Microbiology


MPN Method

For Coliforms/E. coli, there is an ISO that talks about a medium with a defined substrate, but our Colicult is more recent and better because it also detects enterotoxigenic E. coli. Coliforms turn 100 mL of water blue and E. coli fluoresces blue in the dark. It can also be confirmed directly with Indol Kovacs in seconds. You can use the cuvettes from this ISO or also our own (NMP-Racks) with our own NMP tables.

For fecal Enterococci there is also an ISO with a fluorogenic medium, but our Enterocult broth (based on BEA) is newer and better. ISO cuvettes or our NMP-Racks can also be used.

For Clostridium perfringens and its spores, this NMP Method does not work well, because it requires an anaerobic atmosphere. That is why at MICROKIT we invented the Quanti-P/A bags with TSC, cold gelling agent and an anaerobic atmosphere. 100 mL of sample water are introduced, mixed with the medium by kneading, incubated, and the black colonies are observed and enumerated.

For Pseudomonas aeruginosa you can use the USA fluorescence method with the aforementioned cuvettes. Or better yet, our Pseudocult, which in addition to fluorescence, turns pink in positive wells. Our cuvettes NMP-Racks can also be used.

Water Microbiology


P/A Method

Although for us it is the most logical method (why to be counting zeros?), easier to use and more reliable, some legislations have relegated it to work in laboratories not subject to ISO standards and to field work (for natural waters, wells, taps…), which is no small feat.

The same broths mentioned in the NMP method, are used to determine whether or not coliforms-E. coli, fecal Enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and many other parameters are present. No cuvettes are necessary. Simply add the 100 mL of water sample to the medium, incubate it and observe whether there is a color change (+) or not (-).

For Clostridium perfringens and its spores, Clostricult P/A is sufficient without the need to use Quanti-P/A TSC; this method also does not require anaerobic incubation. Black (sometimes only the bottom of the container): positive, otherwise: negative.

This method is so successful at MICROKIT that we have designed 3 formats, to choose from depending on the convenience, number of samples or budget of each client:
1-The classic sample bottle, with the sterile medium already hydrated, to add the 100 mL of water directly into it
2-The economical format for larger consumers: pre-weighed vials of sterile powder medium
3-The very economical format in 100 g jars of sterile powder medium: add a teaspoon to 100 mL of water sample and close the rest of the jar for later uses

Water Microbiology

We also offer kits that contain the P/A and DryPlates components necessary for the analysis of each type of water:

A) Water for human consumption

B) Bath water

C) Water for cosmetic use



And we also have quantitative strains, confirmation kits, bottles and bags, membranes, and everything necessary for any laboratory, regardless of size, to be able to analyse its water samples in the way that best suits it.


Request more information and prices at

If you want to order some MICROKIT product, please send your order to:



Evolution of cosmetic microbiology: From Pharmacopoeia to ISO Standards for cosmetic microbiology. Reasons why cosmetics are still being recalled. Even by large companies. Solutions to avoid such recalls and sanctions.

Not many years ago, cosmetic microbiology was the same as pharmaceutical microbiology. But the first thing the Pharmacopoeia says is that it is validated for medicines (i.e. not for cosmetics).

Once this reality was confirmed, MICROKIT designed the first proficiency service for cosmetics microbiology in 2005.

And indeed, the results were devastating: almost all participating laboratories obtained yields of only 40 to 60%.

That is, out of every 10 analyses, between 4 and 6 false positives or false negatives were obtained.

It was very clear that Pharmacopeia was not useful for cosmetics.

Shortly afterwards, the ISO Standards for cosmetics microbiology were approved and 3 mistakes were made in them:

1) Too closely emulating the Pharmacopeia method, which gave such poor results in cosmetics

2) Focusing on 4 pathogens/indicators (Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and forgetting about emerging pathogens (since ISO 18415 on «specified and unspecified microorganisms» does not solve the problem; because simply strikes enriment broth in TSA, In which harmless microorganisms also grow. This waste the time of laboratories, which are forced to identify them all even if they are not pathogenic.).

3) And they also forgot about the critical waters for cosmetic use, in which no one at the water treatment plant looks for the microorganisms that cause the most problems in cosmetics. Because the legislation on water for human consumption does not contemplate them

The results of the laboratories in successive rounds of these cosmetic intercomparative services (once the ISO Standards for cosmetic microbiology were implemented in many of its participants), were better than those of the Pharmacopoeia, but still had much room for improvement. Especially in highly ubiquitous emerging pathogens, like Burkholderia cepacia or Pluralibacter gergoviae.

Time has shown that there were up to 10 emerging pathogens to add to the 4 with specific ISO standards. Pathogens that created numerous and high-profile market recalls. Because only health authorities were looking for them, not the cosmetics industries or the external laboratories to which they entrusted their analyses.

It was understandable that the cosmetics industry is opposed to adding 10 new culture media to its analyses in addition to the 4 they already used, in order to guarantee that its cosmetics are microbiologically safe and harmless, as required by EC Regulation 1223/2009 (the only legislation on the subject).

But what if you only needed to add one culture medium to detect the remaining 10 pathogens? Without false positives of harmless ones (like TSA) or false negatives.

This idea had been floating around in MICROKIT’s head for a long time. And after overcoming the fears of what seemed impossible at first sight, MICROKIT achieved it!

A single culture medium that detects the 10 emerging pathogens that do not have an associated ISO standard (and also two of those that do).

Could you ask for more?

This magic and blessed medium has been called CUP12A (Cosmetic Universal 12 Pathogen Agar) and it’s available since 2023.

You just have to add it to the 4 that everyone uses, to be sure that you will not continue to suffer the uncertainty of a probable market withdrawal.

On the other hand, we offer the neutralizing broth that obtains the best results when used in intercomparison. Another fruit of these 15 years of intercomparing results between cosmetic laboratories: LPTN Broth (derived from Eugon and Modified Letheen, but with doping factors and with neutralizers of all current authorized preservatives).

And to speed up aerobic and fungal counts (in just 18-36h) we offer two other magical media: RYM Agar and Maxim Agar (a chromogenic PCA derivative):

Finally, for manufacturers who do not yet have their own self-control laboratory, we have designed a prepared media kit containing everything we have described above (including all the necessary consumables), the COSMETIKIT-EASYPLUS. You only need a culture incubator and this kit to be able to start performing your own analyses of the 14 pathogens, since the kit also includes the neutralization of preservatives and the counting of aerobes and molds:


And for those who want to follow more thoroughly the GMPs reflected in ISO 22716 (mandatory implementation in cosmetic factories), we offer the complete microbiological water analysis kit, which includes the most important parameters of water potability, and also the two emerging ones that cause the most problems in cosmetic waters: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia: COSMETIKIT WATER:


We also offer all the quantitative strains needed for quality control and high-load strains for Challenge Test. Request a stock list with exact loads and expiration dates:


And to validate the cleanliness of your facilities, use the simplest kit, with very evident results, which does not require any equipment; and with an immediate response, by turning green, when organic matter poses a risk of microorganism accumulation, the KitProPlus:

Another advancement we offer is the hermetic prepared plates with a long shelf life (5 real months) and the dehydrated plates with a shelf life of 1-2 years:


Take advantage of all of MICROKIT’s experience in cosmetic microbiology (34 years of innovation). MICROKIT, your best ally; ask us what you need to know at:

If you want to order some MICROKIT product, please send your order to:







Only a few decades ago, strain preservation was done by reseeding them weekly or monthly in long-nose slant CTA medium tubes.

In many laboratories, with large strain libraries for epidemiological studies or for R&D, this required the full-time work of a research analyst.

Pharmacopoeia later urged the use of TSB with glycerol in cryovials for freezing, which allowed resowing to be prolonged for 1 year in many strains (although not in others).

By adding porous porcelain beads, similar to those used by children in coloured bead necklaces, a re-seeding was avoided every time the strain had to be used.

Since the cryovial could be re-frozen with the rest of the beads, once the one needed to re-seed the strain had been extracted. This is how the word «cryoballs» was born.

But there were still many microorganisms that did not hold up well in these conditions. And became unviable after being put in and taken out of the freezer several times, or simply after a few months.

This is when MICROKIT came along in 1989 and, with the help of its best large strain library customers, created several solutions that have proven to be very successful:

1-Crioteca-Skim Milk. Its composition allows for a much longer lifespan for most of the microorganisms stored in strain libraries than other criovials made with TSB-glycerol

2. Vibrio cholerae continued to resist and after many tests, we created MPT Agar tubes that allow its reseeding to be delayed only once a year, with conservation at room temperature

3-Campylobacter spp. also resisted and thanks to CRIOTECA-Campy we achieved much better results

4-Fungi (yeasts and moulds) also remain viable for much longer if they are frozen in the CRIOTECA-YM

5-And anaerobes such as Clostridium, resist excellently at the bottom of ANAEROTECA tubes for years, at room temperature

The cryovials we use in our CRIOTECA are the best we have found, with a truly hermetic seal, a cap large enough to be opened/closed properly. With the thread on the outside of the vial so as not to contaminate, etc.

In addition, their size allows 100 units to be stored in the space where 40 units of other brands fit; and we already know which is the most expensive space in a laboratory: the freezer. In addition, we serve them in top quality boxes (CRIOBOX) made of transparent plastic.

The CRIOTECA, ANAEROTECA and MPT kit set is probably the line of kits with the most units sold per year by MICROKIT.

And with the most satisfied customers, who come to us without knowing them, thanks to word of mouth from those who already use them.




On the other hand, we design and manufacture Quantitative Strains (currently the 73 most used by our clients in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and water industries).

The great advantage of our lentil-shaped quantitative strains is their tremendous longevity: 2 years of manufacturing, twice as long as any other brand.

They are so stable that they do not need frozen transport, not even in cold storage, since they can last for weeks at room temperature without changing.

In addition, their price is very competitive.

Used by numerous ISO 17025 accredited laboratories, our quantitative strains are accompanied by a very complete quality control certificate, which includes:

-reference to the universal collection of ISO 11133-2 (WDCM)

-traceability to the type collection,

-passage number from the type collection,

-count and deviation (CV%) within the batch. Which are done in TSA/SDA. And also in at least one selective medium (the most commonly used in each microorganism). And often in a third chromogenic selective medium.

Please ask us for documentation and prices to:

If you want to order some MICROKIT product, please send your order to:

Chemical microbiology

Chemical microbiology: problems and solutions

The chemical industry often needs kits to control the microbiological load that can alter its products and facilities. At MICROKIT we have designed many solutions for these industries:


1-Dipslides to determine the bacterial and fungal load in liquids that are susceptible to being altered when the microorganism load increases: DESINFECTEST-MIX


2-Tubes to detect sulphate reducers, which corrode the metals in the facilities and generate unbreathable hydrogen sulphide gas: SULFATE API AGAR TUBES


3-Tube kits with swabbs to quickly detect where bacteria accumulate (from the first 4 hours): RAPIDSWABS-TC


4-Tube kits with swabbs to quickly detect where fungi (yeast & moulds) accumulate (from the first 18 hours): RAPIDSWABBS-RYM


5-For a more accurate count of the different microorganisms in your products, we designed the DryPlates range, dehydrated prepared plates with a very long shelf life:


6-And if you need to analyze the potability of your plant’s water, or even more microbiological parameters, we also have the best solution: DrinkingWaterKIt and P/A Kits. Also the hermetic plates for Membrane filtration


7-We can also help you to immediately detect the sources of organic matter that will cause microbial accumulations in the coming days:


We have many other specific solutions in Chemical microbiology for different microorganisms: ask us what your problems are, and we will solve them for you. Write us to:

If you want to order some MICROKIT product, please send your order to:



Microbiology: Microbiological problems? 10 problems, 10 MICROKIT solutions

There are 10 problems in microbiology that affect many laboratories. MICROKIT has created ingenious solutions for all of them, easy to implement and that optimize analytical results.


1-Microbiological strains conservation:

From weekly reseeding in tubes with a spout to conservation for years: Skim Milk Cryoteca, Anaeroteca and MPT-Vibrio cholerae inclined tubes


2-Disinfection of laboratory air and surfaces:

Fog without the typical UV shadows: Airesano


3-Surface control:

Microbiological control of surfaces: Various alternatives to Rodac plates and dipslides for all types of surfaces: Rapidswabs-TC, Rapidswabs-YM, Sulfate API Agar tubes, Listeriswabs-Green…



The control/Validation of cleaning organic matter on surfaces required devices: KitProPlus regarding bioluminescence, it is like Uber regarding taxis


5-Cosmetics Microbiology:

There are not 4 pathogens, it is the absence of 14 that guarantees the microbiological safety of your cosmetics, as required by legislation (EC Regulation No. 1223/2009). Start your self-control with Cosmetikit-EasyPlus, and veteran laboratories, using a single additional medium: CUP12A.


6-Food Microbiology:

Listeria and Salmonella detection is slow or expensive with devices: economical detection in just 36 hours and without special devices: Listeriquick-desh, Salmoquick-desh. Numerous classical and chromogenic media for food microbiology.,%20WITH%20THEIR%20DIFFERENTIAL%20ADVANTAGES.pdf


7-Water Microbiology:

The shelf life of the prepared plates is short. Microbiology of water, beverages and confirmation of pathogens by streaking after enrichment: Hermetic long-life plates.


8-Water microbiology in situ:

How do I control the waters in situ? Are we condemned to using only chlorine kits?: Mini-Drinking Water Kit, Vibrio cholerae P/A vials, 100 g P/A bottles



From the detection of Clostridium perfringens by membrane filtration (with 50% false negatives and a 1-3 log reduction in counts, due to oxygenation during analysis), to the use of Quanti-PA bags that eliminate all these problems, obtaining results with maximum precision, accuracy and linearity. And saving the use of additional atmospheres for anaerobes.


10-Special dehydrated media for solving multiple problems:

RNA-F bacteriophages (3 and their supplement) and for somatic coliphages (3). BPNW to neutralize the matrix effect in foods. Rapid PCA cromogenic for rapid aerobic counting in only 18-24h. Rapid YM Agar for rapid fungal counting (yeasts and molds) in only 18-36h. Salmonella-Shigella Broth to avoid the false negatives from Rappaport. LPTN Broth to inactivate all current cosmetic preservatives. CUP12Agar to ensure safety against 12 emerging pathogens in cosmetics. Buffered Peptone Neutralizing Water to minimize matrix effect caused by food preservatives and spices…


We have also developed numerous colony confirmation kits that follow the respective ISO Standards and make you the work easier.


And remember that we also manufacture high precision quantitative microbiological strains

We can design the solution you need to solve the most serious microbiological problem you have: contact us

For more information, contact us at

If you want to order some MICROKIT product, please send your order to:


Microbiología: ¿Problemas microbiológicos? 10 problemas, 10 soluciones MICROKIT

Existen 10 problemas en microbiología que afectan a numerosos laboratorios. MICROKIT ha creado para todos ellos soluciones ingeniosas, fáciles de implementar y que optimizan los resultados analíticos.

1-Conservación de cepas:

De la resiembra semanal en tubos con pico a la conservación durante años: Crioteca Skim Milk, Anaeroteca y MPT-Vibrio cholerae tubos inclinados

2-Desinfección del aire y superficies del laboratorio:

Niebla sin las sombras del UV: Airesano


Control microbiológico de superficies: Alternativas varias a los laminocultivos y placas Rodac  para todo tipo de superficies: Rapidswabs-TC, Rapidswabs-YM, Sulfate API Agar tubes, Listeriswabs-Green…


El control/Validación de limpieza de materia orgánica en superficies requería aparatos: KitProPlus respecto a la bioluminiscencia, es como el Uber respecto al taxi


No son 4 patógenos, es la ausencia de 14 lo que garantiza la seguridad microbiológica de sus cosméticos, Según exige la legislación (Reglamento CE Nº 1223/2009). Inicie su autocontrol con Cosmetikit-EasyPlus, Y los laboratorios veteranos, mediante un solo medio adicional: CUP12A.–cosmetic-universal-pathochrom-agar-.pdf


La detección de Listeria y Salmonella es lenta o costosa con aparatos: detección económica en sólo 36 horas y sin aparatos especiales: Listeriquick-desh, Salmoquick-desh

Neutralice el efecto matriz causado por los conservantes y especias, simplemente cambiando del Agua de Peptona Tamponada clásica a la neutralizante:


La caducidad de las placas preparadas es corta. Microbiología de aguas, bebidas y confirmación de patógenos por estría tras enriquecimiento: Plaquis herméticas de larga caducidad.

Aplique ya la nueva directiva UE de Enero de 2023, buscando los causantes de las diarreas del viajero y demás andancios:

8-Aguas in situ:

Cómo controlo in situ las aguas ¿condenados a usar sólo los kits de cloro?: Mini-Drinking Water Kit, Vibrio cholerae viales P/A, botes 100 g P/A, bolsas Quanti-P/A-TSC


Confirmación de colonias de Legionella pneumophila (género, especie y serogrupo) en sticks: M-Ident Virapid Legionella (la gran solución de los problemas del látex para el laboratorio ambiental)

10-Medios deshidratados especiales para solución de múltiples problemas:

bacteriófagos ARN-F (3 y su suplemento) y para colífagos somáticos (3). BPNW para neutralizar el efecto matriz en alimentos.  Maxim Rapid PCA para recuento rápido de aerobios.  Rapid YM Agar para recuento rápido de hongos (levaduras y mohos).  Salmonella-Shigella Broth para evitar los falsos negativos del Rappaport.  LPTN Broth para inactivar todos los conservantes cosméticos actuales.  CUP12Agar para garantizar la seguridad ante 12 patógenos emergentes en cosméticos–cosmetic-universal-pathochrom-agar-.pdf

Podemos diseñar la solución a su problema microbiológico más enquistado: consúltenos

Para más información, contacte con nosotros en

Laminocultivos Dipslides DESINFECTEST®


Laminocultivos Dipslides DESINFECTEST®

El método más cómodo para control de superficies y de líquidos con alta carga microbiana potencial

La palabra laminocultivos fué inventada por MICROKIT hace 34 años, en 1989. Con ella quisimos designar lo que en inglés se llamaba «Dipslides»: láminas con agar convexo que servían en aquellos tiempos sobre todo para urocultivos por inmersión. Y, en unas pocas marcas, además, para control de superficies.

MICROKIT nació en esa fecha con un catálogo en el que exclusivamente  ofrecíamos laminocultivos. Y vivimos sólo de estos «pirulos» durante el primer año, aunque en seguida integramos los discos de cartón nutrientes para Filtración de Membrana (MF) y creamos los primeros tubos preparados para fundir y elaborar placas en industria. A ese catálogo sumamos poco después frascos,  placas preparadas y ampollas de MF.

Los laminocultivos de MICROKIT se llaman DESINFECTEST®, nuestra primera marca registrada, ya que no nos dejaron llamarlos como queríamos: Microtest (ya estaba registrada para algo que nada tenía que ver con la microbiología).

A lo largo de estas 3 décadas, conforme el mercado cambiaba y se hacía más exigente en microbiología, hemos ido reduciendo la gama de laminocultivos hasta la actual de los 4 de mayor éxito:

MBN101 AEM/AET Incoloro /Incoloro   – Bacterias totales tras desinfección                                (TSA-NEUTRALIZING AGAR TTC). (Para anaerobios, incube con  ANAEROKIT)
MBN103 EC-PLUS Crema/Rosado  Coliformes-E.coli y Salmonella Medio cromogénico E.coli + demás coliformes / Medio cromogénico para Salmonella. Caducidad: 2-4 meses.
MBN200 D-HACCP Incoloro / Púrpura    – Recuento Total (PCA+Neutralizing TTC) / Enterobacterias (VRBG Agar)
MBN407 MIX Incoloro / Rosa – Recuento total aerobios (bacterias+hongos) (PCA, Neutralizing, TTC) /- Levaduras y Mohos (rosa Bengala CAF Agar). Incubar a 25ºC para aerobios y hongos alterativos y a 35ºC para aerobios y hongos patógenos. Cad:  2-6 meses según el stock actual.

Los laminocultivos DESINFECTEST® tienen dos usos:

A) Control de superficies, por simple presión durante 10 segundos de cada una de las dos caras de la lengüeta, contra la superficie a analizar. La ventaja sobre las placas de Contacto «Rodac» es que tienen 10 cm2 en vez de 25 cm2, lo que permite muestrear superficies cóncavas y convexas con mayor facilidad. Y que el cierre a rosca le confieren mucha más larga caducidad.

B) Control de líquidos por inmersión, siempre que se espere un recuento superior a 1000 ufc/mL. Esto resulta ideal para ahorrarse hacer diluciones en ciertos líquidos donde la concentración de microorganismos puede ser muy alta: aguas residuales, taladrinas, combustibles… y por supuesto la orina en caso de UTI.

Las ventajas de DESINFECTEST® sobre otras muchas marcas de laminocultivos, son, sobre todo, dos:

1-que ocupan 10 cm2 reales de medio de cultivo sólido (otras son mucho más pequeñas o con medidas que obligan a conversiones complicadas para dar el recuento por cm2), y

2-que no se deslaminan ni se contaminan durante el transporte, gracias a un molde de plástico optimizado-inmejorable durante estas 3 décadas de uso

Por eso, DESINFECTEST® de MICROKIT sigue siendo el líder indiscutible en los laboratorios donde prima la calidad sobre cualquier otra consideración. Y ha permitido realizar millones de análisis en miles de laboratorios de toda España y parte del extranjero.

Para más información, contacte con nosotros en

Placas preparadas para Filtración de Membrana

Placas preparadas para Filtración de Membrana:  Plaquis® Herméticas, donde el agar no se retrae ni se seca, larga caducidad; y apilables.

Presentamos las plaquitas herméticas de 47 mm de diámetro, especiales para filtración de membrana, la cual cabe exacta colocándola contra la pared.

Y también muy útiles para estría tras enriquecimiento de patógenos.

Ventajas de las Placas preparadas para Filtración de Membrana en formato «PLAQUIS® de MICROKIT®»:

♥ Enorme caducidad real, no ficticia: mínimo 4 meses si se conservan con variaciones de temperatura día/noche y 6 meses (o incluso más) si se conservan a temperatura constante

Ahórrese el disgusto de las otras plaquitas de filtración, que se retraen y secan mucho antes de la fecha de caducidad indicada por sus fabricantes

♣ Ocupan menos espacio que las de 60 mm (y por supuesto que las de 90 mm) en almacén, estufas y residuos

♦ No necesitan transporte ni almacén refrigerados: se conservan ideal a 16 ± 5 ºC (sí, su temperatura ideal de conservación es de 11 a 21 ºC), eso sí, en oscuridad como todo medio preparado

♠ Se pueden apilar en columnas altísimas en la cabina y estufa sin que se desmoronen, gracias a su diseño de encaje perfecto

♥ Mucho menos plástico que  contamina el medio ambiente por cada ensayo, que las placas y plaquitas convencionales

♣ Cámara de aire validada tanto para fermentadores como para «super-aerobios», en función del volumen del medio de cultivo dispensado

♦ Plaquis® preparadas de todos los medios de aguas de consumo, envasadas, refrescos, vino y cerveza: CCA, SB, BEA, EPA, CN, YEA, R2A, Maxim-PCA cromogénico, Standard TTC, Sabouraud Caf, Rapid RYM, WL, M-Green, Brettanomyces…

♥ Y tambien de todos los medios para estríar tras enriquecimiento: Salmonella ABC, XLD, Listeria O&A, Baird Parker, BPX19, BCPT, BCSA, Biggy, Cetrimida, CUP12A, EMB Levine, KIng A/B, MacConkey Agar, mFC, RB Caf…

Sin duda, el formato más cómodo del medio preparado

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